The Ideal Content Mix for Law Firm Social Media — Yolk

The Ideal Content Mix for Law Firm Social Media

The rise of technology has fundamentally shifted the way brands are driven to think about marketing. Used effectively, social media marketing is a fantastic way to build your law firm’s client base, strengthen your staff, and improve your brand. 

Because of widespread adoption, the amount of content competing for attention is staggering. Consumers have to sort through a heaps of irrelevant clutter to find useful information, while brands have to work hard to differentiate their content on reach their audience on popular platforms. How does your law firm reach the right mix of quality, frequency and authenticity in content marketing?

Here are some principles to help your firm find the right formula for perfectly pitched content.

Work with what you have. Make it better. Make it matter.

Work with what you have.
You don’t have to start from scratch every time you need to write an article or blog post. With the short shelf-life of social media updates, re-post your content, it’s highly unlikely all your followers will see every post. Also, you can choose different elements from your article to highlight each time you tweet, which has the added advantage that essentially you’re pitching the same content with different ‘headlines’ to appeal to a more diverse audience. Look at content your firm has generated, and re-purpose it. A comprehensive article written for a law journal could make a fantastic series of smaller posts, be expanded into a podcast series, or condensed into a sharable infographic. Be consistent in cross-promoting your content on social channels: as a rule, look at how you can share, syndicate and recycle each piece of content for maximum leverage.

Make it better.
Your brand is given relevance and validity by the content you post, the format, frequency and a strategic approach to engaging your audience on social channels. A few guidelines for social media content include these:

  • Highlight your successes, CSI, achievements and awards of your law firms and attorneys.
  • Post updates in relevant news, tips and industry & regulatory updates.
  • Use diverse formats to bolster engagement: links, images, video, slide decks or a combination of these. Include short- and long-form posts to serve different objectives in your strategy.
  • Cross-promote your content, linking to deeper pages on your site than just the home page, with specific messaging targeted to focus on unique subject matter.
  • Use social media to build a positive brand by publishing relevant and valuable information, being consistent, and engaging with your audience. 

Make it matter.
Building up your law firm’s website and social media channels provide the best opportunity to attract potential clients, co-counsel and media. Your content should discuss the types of law you practice, greatest accomplishments, how your firm is differentiated and the benefit of retaining your services.

Evaluate your law firm’s social media strategy and policies regularly. Focus the social media platforms that best serve your business priority of attracting clients, sharing news and professional networking.