Yolk Interaction Digital Marketing Process — Yolk
Social media has set the stage for modern brands defined by what they do, not what they say. Brands now compete across category and culture.

Our Approach

Strategy, storytelling & innovation through design are at the heart of what we do across all touchpoints and channels. Our relationships with our clients as partners are personal and long-term. We build the right team of talent around their specific needs of business.

Our Difference

We do agency differently, unlike the majority of our peers we don’t have creative hierarchy, we don’t compartmentalise, departmentalise, we’re free of those silos. As a creative collective of smart individuals, committed to each other as much as we are to our clients, we design and develop agile brand experiences that deliver with purpose and empathy.

Our Process

Our process is uniquely multidisciplinary to ensure that we make every interaction count, delivering on intuitive, comprehensively immersive and deeply enjoyable user experiences.

1. Blend
First, we get to know each other. Understanding your vision and ambitions is key to scoping your projects dimensions and arriving at a proposal.

2. Discover
By now we understand your key objectives. Through an immersive approach to insights and strategy we lay the foundation for a coherent, productive plan, comprising essential client-focussed compass points. We agree on scope and actions then iteratively prototype and push for concept. We review and present an informed perspective and story.

3. Create
Distilled and aligned to a unique Brand Essence and audience requirements, we design, develop, optimise the experience, test and launch.

4. Nurture
We evolve, adapt and engage through actionable insight and continued analysis, always ready for future opportunities.

We're Experts At

Our collective experience and body of work extends across multiple industries / key categories spanning: Aviation, Travel, Healthcare, Legal Services, Consumer Electronics.

Our Core Competencies:

Strategy & Planning / Integrated Marketing /
Digital Branding / Communication / Experience Design

Are you looking to create meaningful impact in todays digital economy? We’d love to help